In conclusion of her ERC project SACRIMA, Chiara Franceschini will give a lecture series on “Arcipelagoes of Images: Art and Inquisition in the Early Modern Period” as Guest Professor at the EHESS in Paris.
In conclusion of her ERC project SACRIMA, Chiara Franceschini will give a lecture series on “Arcipelagoes of Images: Art and Inquisition in the Early Modern Period” as Guest Professor at the EHESS in Paris.
A preview of the first volume of the Sacrima Series, Sacred Images and Normativity: Contested Forms in Early Modern Art, edited by Chiara Franceschini, is now available at the Brepols website.
After three years as a doctoral researcher in the Sacrima project, Nelleke de Vries will start her new job as Curator of Old Masters and Modern Art at Rijksmuseum Twenthe in Enschede, the Netherlands in January 2022.
Chiara Franceschini engages with “bad reviews” in Vasari and Michelangelo’s circles in a new article published as part of Bad Reception: Expressing Disapproval of Art in Early Modern Italy, edited by Diletta Gamberini, Jonathan K. Nelson, and Alessandro Nova.
A conversation on Rai 3 about images and people on the threshold, lives without identity, and uncertain destinies.
Cloe Cavero examined the complex afterlife of ritual murder accusations as religious cults at the Departamental Seminar of Spanish and Latin American Studies of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
At the International Conference Capricci luterani. L’opera di Michelangelo sullo sfondo del dibattito interconfessionale (Frankfurt, 5-7 May 2021), Chiara Franceschini discussed new possibilities for interpreting the Sagrestia Nuova and other sixteenth-century Italian works in relation to vigilance and artistic practices of working at night.
Cloe Cavero‘s new article in the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes reconstructs the original context of Cajés’s altarpiece to offer a new perspective on the way in which religious art engaged with the tensions prompted by the issue of the purity of blood, as well as with anxieties related to family and procreation
Cloe Cavero gave a guest lecture on the circulation of cults of saints in the early modern Catholic world at the Department of History of the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City.
Susanne Kubersky-Piredda (Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome) and Patrizia Cavazzini (Rome) presented Chapel of the Cinquecento and Seicento in the Churces of Rome, ed. by Chiara Franceschini, Steven F. Ostrow, and Patrizia Tosini (Milan 2020), in an online event organised by Patrizia Tosini at Roma Tre. The Editors’ Introduction and Chiara Franceschini’s chapter are now available here.
A conference at Roma Tre by Chiara Franceschini about the imaginations and the geographies of a local cult and about Inquisitorial control on sacred images in different centres of Mediterranean Europe.
Erin Giffin provides new insights on the seventeenth-century tradition of flower mosaics through the engravings of Pieter de Bailliu in her recent contribution to the Print Quarterly.
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