A diabolical and profane image of the Holy Trinity depicted with three faces or heads
While analysing the painting of the Holy Trinity, Pacheco condemned the iconography of it in which a man with three faces or heads is represented, in the manner of Janus or Gerión (Father Martin de Roa), called it as a “diabolical fiction” (Molanus): this iconography made sane people scandalised, as well as the ignorant man commit mistakes.
The mistake of depicting the Holy Trinity in the Virgin Mary’s womb
Pacheco desaproved the painting of the Holy Trinity in the Virgin Mary’s womb since such composition seems as “if all the three divine Persons had clothed themselves in our flesh.”
Lack of visual clarity depicting the Holy Trinity as three equal figures
Regarding the Holy Trinity iconography of three equal figures seated with the same suit and age, with crowns on their heads and scepters in their hands, Pacheco considers an unclear iconography, since it might confuse “the ignorant”. He argues it needs a particular sign of attribute in which each person is known, as well as the distinction of each character and their places, in which the Holy Spirit has to be in the middle.