Frostispiece of Pacheco, El Arte de la pintura (1649), Seville, Simon Faxardo, impressor de libros, a la Cerrajeria
Frostispiece of Pacheco, El Arte de la pintura (1649), Seville, Simon Faxardo, impressor de libros, a la Cerrajeria
Pacheco desaproved the painting of the Holy Trinity in the Virgin Mary’s womb since such composition seems as “if all the three divine Persons had clothed themselves in our flesh.”
“[….]Painting the Holy Trinity on Our Lady’s womb is also disapproved, as if all the three divine Persons had clothed themselves in our flesh.”
“También se reprueba el pintar la Santísima Trinidad en el vientre de Nuestra Señora, como si todas las tres divinas Personas se hubieran vestido de nuestra carne.”
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