Letter of the Suprema to the inquisitors of the city of Valencia warning of the entry into the kingdom of “pernicious” canvases
Year mention: October 1571
Curcifix ; Trinity, Passion of Christ
Dangerous images

Canvases considered dangerous that entered the Kingdom should be collected. It should be not permitted to allow similar painting to enter


This is the incipit of the letter sent to the inquisitors of the city of Valencia (see cases 248-250)

“Reverend Sirs, in this letter there will be the qualification and description of the depiction on certain canvases which we understand have entered these kingdoms, and since they are as pernicious and inconvenient as you may understand from the said qualification, it has seemed to me to warn you to take particular care to collect them, wherever you see them, not to allow such canvases and paintings to enter these kingdoms. May our Lord protect your reverend people of Madrid. Dada Madrid, October 1571”.

“Reverendos señores con ésta será la qualificación y descripción de la pintura de ciertos lienços que hemos entendido han entrado en estos reynos y siendo aquellos tan perniciosos y de tanto inconveniente como señores podréis entender por la dicha qualificación ha parecido advertiros tengáis particular cuidado de recogerlos, donde los viere, no permitiendo que semejantes lienços y pinturas entren en estos reynos. Guarde nuestro Señor vuestras reverendas personas de Madrid. Dada Madrid, octubre de 1571”.

inconveniente, lienzos perniciosos
Date mention
October 1571

Historical Location



Iconclass Number
11Q71432; 7(+1); 73D

AHUV. Caja 16, Varia, fol. 274r.
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