Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek — Th H 1475. Digital Reproduction: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2015.
Molanus argues that the Three Graces and their mother have a very long tradition in the Church and attempts to remove them from the litanies should not be tolerated.
“If these men had practised the litanies of the churches and the lessons of the breviary, or the martyrologies of the ancient authors, they could not have been unaware that on the date of the 1st of August, the holy Faith, Hope and Charity, and their mother Wisdom, received in Rome, under Adrian, the crown of martyrdom. The Church of Ambrose keeps their memory in a special way because it recognises them as Milanese. The deeds and martyrdoms of these virgins and their mother were not unknown to either the Greeks or the Latins. They appear in the Office of the Church of Milan in the second paragraph of the Golden Legend, which was published in Cologne and Louvain when printing was still in its infancy, and among the Greeks, in the order of the months by Symeon Metaphrastes. And, to take an axample also among the women, Rosuida, a nun of Gandesheim, a noble virgin of Saxony, at the time of Otto I or II, described in a beautiful poem the martyrdom of these virgins. For this reason, those who, with malicious intent or lack of discernment, go against the customs of the Church, which have been in use for so many centuries, and wish to expunge the names of these holy martyrs from the litanies, must not be tolerated.”
“Quod si isti versati fuissent in Ecclesiarum, aut veterum scriptorum Martyrologiis, Litaniis et ecclesiasticis lectionibus, ignorare non potuissent quod ad Kal. Augusti annotatum est, Romae sanctas virgines Fidem, Spem et Charitatem et matrem earum Sapientiam, sub Adriano principe martyria coronam adeptas esse. Quarum specialior est memoria in Ambrosiana Ecclesia, quod eas angoscat natione mediolanenses. Gesta etiam atque martyria harum virginum et matris ingorata non fuerunt nec a Latinis nec a Graecis. Extant quippe in officio mediolanensis Ecclesiae, tomo 2 Legendae aureae, qui Coloniae et Lovanni excusus est in infantia typographiae et apud Graeco in mensibus Simeonis Metaphratis. Et, ut a mulieribus quoque testimonium desumam, Rosuida, sanctimonialis Gandershemensis, virgo nobilis Saxonia, eleganti carmine harum Virginum Martyrium descripsit, temporibus Othonis I. vel II. Quare ferendi non sunt, qui haex sanctarum martyrum nomina, vel malitiose, vel imprudenter e Litaniis expungi volunt, contra morem Ecclesiae a multis faeculis usitum.”
Molanus 1996, 306.