Molanus affirms the antiquity of the use of Fides, Spes, and Charitas in painting and gives an example from a monastery in Holland.
“I acknowledge, however, that in antiquity the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity were represented in painting. And there are those who praise highly, on account of its antiquity, its art, and the piety of the faithful, an altarpiece made of yellow gold and set with precious stones, dedicated to God and to St. Adalbert in the monastery of Egmond by Thierry II, Count of Holland; On the cross was the effigy of the Saviour crowned with a diadem; on the right arm of the cross was written ‘Charity’, on the left ‘Hope’ and at the foot ‘Faith’ with matching images. But recently the rage of the Gueux destroyed it together with the whole monastery.
I would now have to refute the remarks about Christophe that Philip Melanchthon makes against the monks, but I reserve the right to deal with them in the next book, according to my own plan.”
“Illud tamen agnosco etiam antiquitus Fidei, Spei et Charitatis virtutes depictas fuisse. Multum enim a nonnullis ob antiquitatem, attem et religionem celebrator tabula altaris ex fuluo auro compacta et pretiosis Lapidus resplendens, quam Theodoricus II Hollandiae Comes in Egmondensi monasterio Deo sancto que Adalberto obtulit. In qua crux visitor cum diademate et effigue Salvatoris. In crucis dextro brachio inscribitur, Charitas, in sinistro, Spes; Fides; cum condecentibus imaginibus. Sed haex nostra aetate Guefica rabies cum toto monasterio delevit.
Refutanda hic essent quoque quae contra monachos de Christophoro exstant apud Philippum Melanchthonem. Sed ea ex professo libro sequenti tractanta referuamus.”
Molanus 1996, 307.