The memory of bad people will vanish, despite ordering many artworks of themselves
Year mention: 1617
Alexander the Great ; Apelles ; Lysipus
Iconoclasm/Critic to image cult

People will be recorded for their virtues, as the case of Apelles’ paintings of Alexander the Great demonstrates, because he ordered statues from the best artists, but his memory was removed by God’s government

Molanus, Johannes
Frostispiece of Molanus, De historia sanctarum imaginum et picturarum (1617), Antwerp, Gasparus Bellerus
Frontispiece of Molanus, De historia sanctarum imaginum et picturarum (1617), Antwerp, Gasparus Bellerus
Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek — Th H 1475. Digital Reproduction: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2015.

Molanus argues that people will be recorded for their virtues, as the case of Apelles’ paintings of Alexander the Great demonstrates.

“In any case, Alexander the Great of Macedonia, in order to remain eternally famous, wanted neither painting nor sculpture, unless they were by the hands of the greatest artists, Apelles and Lysippus. According to Horace: ‘He forbade by an edict that no one, except Apelles, should take up the brush, that no one, except Lysippus, should cast bronze to represent the features of the valiant Alexander’. However, to appear as the sons of Jupiter Ammon, he wanted the statues to represent him with horns, but although he thought he was acting with prestige, his intentions were without effect, hindered by the intercession of God, whose face is against those who do evil, that he may destroy their memory from the earth.”

“Certe Alexander ille Macedo ut aeternitati suam effigiem commendaret noluit se pingi aut sculpi, nisi a maximis artificibus, Apelle et Lysippo. Iuxta illud Horatii: ‘Edicto cavit ne quis se praeter Apellem pingeret: aut alius Lysippe ducere era. Fortis Alexandri vultum similantia.’ Imo, ut videretur filius Iovis Ammanis voluit cornutus effingi a statuariis, sed: quamvis sibi videretur preclate agere, tamen quod intendiebat non est consecutus, impediente hoc Dei gubernatione: cuius vultus super facientes mala, ut perdat de terra memoriam eorum.”

Alexander the Great, Apelles, God, virtue

Date mention

Historical Location

Iconclass Number

Molanus, De historia sanctarum imaginum et picturarum (1617), book 2, ch. 62, 218

Molanus 1996, 310-311.

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