Internet archive (original from Getty Research Institute)
When the author analysed how to depict Christ in the scene of Assumption of Mary, concerning the representation of Christ, the author says: wearing only one tunic (which corresponds to his clothes after the Resurrection), and not two as did Jernimo Nadal.
“Ribadeneira has said, planted in a resplendent cloud, ascending to the right hand of her Son and placing the left hand of the Virgin on the right shoulder of Christ, both accompanied by many angels and seraphim; this is how Father Nadal painted it in his book, according to the place of the Canticles; but he put Christ with two tunics, having to put him as resurrected and as he is painted in the mystery of the Trinity”.
“Puédese pintar, como ha dicha el P. Ribadeneira, plantada en una nube resplandeciente, subiendo a la mano derecha de su Hijo y puesta la isquierda de la Virgen en el hombro derecho de Cristo, acompañados los dos de muchos ángeles y serafines; así la debuxó el P. Nadal en su libro, conforme al lugar de los Cantares; pero, puso a Cristo con dos túnicas, debiendo ponerlo como resucitado y como se pinta en el misterio de la Trinidad”.

Albrecht Dürer, Christ Appears to His Mother (from the Small Passion), ca.1510
Pacheco 1990, 654, n.56;