Jeanne d’Obaque, from the Barn area, disbelieving in the image of the crucifix, hit a painted image of the crucifix several times
Jeanne d’Obaque, from the Béarn area, “was looking at a certain image of a crucifix that was painted on a wall and she said you don’t see that this ‘barbasan’ is not true and when she was told to look at what she said was a crucifix she said that it was a ‘barbasan’ and with the handle of a broom that she had in her hand she would hit the crucifix”.
Jeanne d’Obaque, in the Béarn area, “mirando ella por cierta ymagen de un crucifijo que estava pintado en una pared dixo no veis que no es vera esa barbasan y diciendole que mirase lo que dezia que era crucifixo dixo que antes hera barbasan y con el cavo de una escoba que en la mano tenia daba golpes al crucifijo”.
Borja Franco Llopis, Noticias sobre arte y devoción del Quinientos aragonés a través de la documentación inquisitorial, Boletín del Museo e Instituto Camón Aznar, 107, 2011, pp. 77-92