Molanus condemns images of Cupid because the ordinary people do not understand his poetic meaning and therefore he only has negative effects on them.
“Shall I continue in the same way on the image of Cupid which the poets have imagined? It was outlined in graceful verse, not by Aeneas Sylvius, author of the story of the two lovers, but by Pius II, rejecting a work of his youth. Pietro Capretto has devoted with knowledge and piety a book almost entirely to the expectation of the image of Cupid, although he thinks that it should rather be rejected because the uneducated do not know nor suspect the poetic fictions which are relative to him and that at a similar spectacle they would be inflamed for evil.”
“Possem eodem modo exspatiari in Cupidinis imaginem a poetis consictam: quam elegantissimis aliquot versibus explicavit non Aeneas de duobus amantibus scribens, sed Pius secundus iuvenilem librum reiiciens. Petrus vero Haeduus integrum fere librum in explicanda Cupidinis imagine et docte et pie consumsit. Quamquam censet abiiciendam potius esse, quod rudes huius poetici sigmenti rationem neque sciant, neque suspicentut, sed magis tali aspect ad malum inflammentur. Verum ad alia nobis est transeundum.”
Molanus 1996, 299-300, see: 300 n. 1.