How to represent St. John Evangelist (and how not to do it)
Year mention: 1649
St. John Evangelist (Apostle)
Inadequate manner

Depicting St. John Evangelist young

Pacheco, Francisco
Albrecht Dürer, The Martyrdom of Saint John, from "The Apocalypse", 1511
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Dealing with the story of St. John Evangelist, Pacheco states that the saint must be painted as old and venerable men. The author critised Albrecht Drer artwork which painted the saint as a young man in his “Apocalypse” series.

“He was later banished by the same tyrant to the island of Patmos, where he suffered great labours and had admirable illustrations and revelations and wrote the Apocalypse”. In all these stories he must have painted himself as old and venerable. I do not know what moved the great Albrecht Dürer to paint him as a young man in his Apocalypse (but the very learned Luis del Alcazar did not do so) because he was very old when he wrote his Gospel and Epistles, aged ninety years” […]. He is painted in a tight tunic and cloak, which I always paint white, for his purity, and the cloak is red”.

“Fue desterrado, después, por el mismo tirano a la isla Patmos, donde padeció grandes trabajos y tuvo admirables ilustraciones y revelaciones y escribió el Apocalipsi”. En todas estas historias se ha de pintar anciano y venerable. No sé qué movió al gran Alberto Durero a pintarlo mozo en su Apocalipsi (non lo hizo así el doctísimo Luis del Alcázar) porque entonces era de muncha edad cuando escribió, de noventa años, su Evangelio y Epistolas”; […] Pintese con túnica ceñida y manto, la cual yo pinto siempre blanca, por su pureza y el manto, roxo.”

Model to follow

Luis del Alcázar, Vestigatio arcani sensus in Apocalypsi, 1614 (24 engravings)

apostle, appearance, Bible, Christian religion, death, John Evangelist (St.), martyr

Dürer, Albrecht

Date mention

Date artwork
1496-1498 ca.
Historical Location

Apocalypse (serie)


Type of Object

Media Materials

Iconclass Number

Pacheco, El Arte de la pintura (1649), book 3, ch.14, 672-673

Pacheco 1990, 671, n. 42; Pacheco 1990, 642, n. 48;

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